Agrico News

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Agrico in ‘n seisoen van momentum

In hierdie ekslusiewe onderhoud gesels die Andrag-neefs, Walter en Roland, oor Agrico van vandag. Gebou op meer as 'n eeu se ryk geskiedenis, doen Agrico ...

Agrico se nuutste tegnologie sit geld in jou sak

Agrico stel die nuwe 12.5 m Hoë Spoed Dis bekend, 'n robuuste werktuig wat ontwerp is vir doeltreffende boerdery met wyer werksdekking. Hierdie Hoë Spoed ...

Agrico Zambia helps local farmers irrigate their way to success

Fifteen years ago, Guru started his farming journey with little knowledge. Today, he has turned his 500 Ha farm in Zambia into a thriving enterprise ...

NAMPO 2024: Expertise in irrigation and seedbed prep under one roof

From efficient irrigation to purpose-built implements, Agrico offers the best of both worlds. Our expertise in irrigation design and seedbed preparation is what your farm ...

Irrigation system built in two weeks saves sugar beans planting

Faced with a tight deadline, Sampada-Agri and Agrico collaborated to install an illigation system for sugar beans in just two weeks. This project showcased innovative ...

Agrico Vredendal fokus op hernubare sonkrag vir besproeiingstelsels

“Sonkrag is die toekoms en ons visie by Agrico Vredendal is om die tipe tegnologie in besproeiing uit te brei,” sê Roekie Coetzee, takbestuurder van ...

Agrico in ‘n seisoen van momentum

In hierdie ekslusiewe onderhoud gesels die Andrag-neefs, Walter en Roland, oor Agrico van vandag. Gebou op meer as ‘n eeu se ryk geskiedenis, doen Agrico alles behalwe stagneer. ‘n Groeiende taknetwerk, ‘n poel jong talent en aanhoudende investering in moderne vervaardiging, getuig daarvan. Lees meer oor hierdie twee bedryfsleiers se uitkyk op die landbou, en Agrico se seisoen van momentum!

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Agrico Vredendal fokus op hernubare sonkrag vir besproeiingstelsels

“Sonkrag is die toekoms en ons visie by Agrico Vredendal is om die tipe tegnologie in besproeiing uit te brei,” sê Roekie Coetzee, takbestuurder van Agrico in Vredendal. “Dit is juis waarom ons reeds venootskappe in sonkrag begin vorm het: sodat ons die boer kan help om daardie omskakeling so moeiteloos as moontlik te maak.”

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Agrico has multiple branches throughout southern Africa

We provide commercial irrigation solutions for a wide variety of farms growing a wide variety of crops. Your nearest Agrico agent can provide the necessary information, advice and support you will need to make informed decisions about your irrigation strategy.